

We are a monthly challenge blog. Anyone from anywhere can play along! Any project is welcome but we are a family friendly blog so please try to keep your projects that way! We hope you will play along with our challenges we'd love to have you! :)

Friday, July 7, 2023

#192 Favorite Colors!!

Happy Summer everyone!  I know I complained about the late snow but seriously, it's soooooo humid, and coupled with the pollution, it's quite miserable! Enough complaining, onto the challenge for this month which is:


Whatever combination (or combinations!) you love, we want to see them!

We only have TWO projects from our DT for inspiration but they're fabulous!!  If you're interested in a super easy, low-key DT position, leave me a comment on this post!

The challenge is open until the end of the month, and entries are now UNLIMITED!!!  Have fun and let me know if you have any problems with the linky!!

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